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    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 01:05

    E minor again?! I had written the riffs and rhythms in this song to be sung over, so all the soloing is basically an effort to get some usable melodies out of it to use at a later date. One thing I noticed which is pretty important for me is that when I double my leads they end up becoming way more focused. I listened to “Lone Ranger” and “Cordelia” after completing this song and discovered that having to memorize a line and then figure out where (if at all) to harmonize it makes me write more melodically (I think). I did so in those songs and I think those leads are strongerI really like the rhythm guitar in this song but am not big on the ensuing solos. Like I said I wasn’t intending for this to be instrumental, but I figured why not see what happens. Eb minor, Bumblebee Washburn tuned to Eb.Also: new cover songs coming as soon as I get a chance to record vocals!DownloadSave Target As.

    I haven’t recorded anything in a while thanks to my recording software screwing up and me being too lazy to fix it. I managed to record this a couple of weeks ago however, but along with the recording screwups I couldn’t find the original files to finish it. The guitar tracks need to be overdubbed and the vocals need some overhaul and EQing but the basic idea comes through nicely. Other problems are all over but will be fixed in a future update (when I go to re-record everything).This is a song my friend and I had been working on for a while, I only just added the lyrics when I recorded it. Its in E minor. I had used the Dean through my Rocktron/Carvin setup (Left Guitar in Stereo), and my Black Washburn through a Roland Micro Cube Mic’d up (Right Guitar).I also just noticed that the recording clips in a bunch of places when I put the waveform into Ableton.

    Great.DownloadSave Target As.Co-written by Jedd Ahyoung. Copyright Micky Sakora, Jedd Ahyoung. This came about after randomly jamming to Hangar 18 with a friend and playing the James Bond theme over it. This is also the first song with vocals (rough as they are). I also tried some new stuff mixing wise with the drums – though they sound bigger and better, a lot of the mix is muddier. I guess I’ll just keep hacking away at it.The James Bond them is originally in E minor but I dropped it down to D minor to fit with Hangar 18.

    Its a little slower than Hangar 18 but I didn’t want to totally lose the groove of the James Bond theme. Also: I’m working on the whole singing thing – trust me, it just takes a while. And yes there is a reference in there somewhere.Guitars in drop D, I used the black Washburn and my friend’s ESP bass.

    Also a bad SM58 knockoff for the vocals.No downloads for copyright reasons. Three and a half weeks in (25 hours and 25 BPM faster) and I’ve noticed a few things. Going slow is good: I knew this before starting but it never hit home until I actually practiced it. Going slower than you would normally go allows you to focus much more precisely on individual movements. I’ve learned subtle things about my playing and have adapted to them – for instance, I changed my picking attack slightly because of the way my pick would scrape the strings when I played standing up. I think for a future update of the program there will be a specific warm up section where you play at 75% of the day’s scheduled practicing speed. Similarly, beginning the program at a slow speed gives you a number of sessions to focus on pure technique.

    As a result my picking has gotten a lot cleaner. I also knew this before hand but the program really reinforced it. Like in, progressive loading (increasing the speed by 1 BPM each session) is a huge motivator. Though the exercises are the same, each session can be treated like a new challenge. I have noticed though, that I am reaching a plateau in some of the exercises. The scales in 3rds and the four note pentatonic runs, as well as the 5th Caprice have all begun to test the limits of my playing.

    While I can get them after some practice building up to the day’s speed, I will soon be unable to play them (especially 5th Caprice, oh my god that is difficult). Because of this I will be working on a ‘B’ program to use once I plateau. Right now I have gone from 80-105 BPM and will likely continue to 120. The B program will go from 90-120 and then I will return to the current program at 100 BPM. Or something.

    I will be working on it. I found that some of the previous songs stretch on for a little too long – five minutes maybe isn’t all that necessary. For these two I tried to keep them short and to the point, condensing what is good about the other songs into a tighter structure.

    Some of the mixing is off (as usual) the drums might be a little too loud in The Circle but I’m having issues with my recording software. I began Birdhouse first but took a break and recorded The Circle when I got to a sticking point. Then I went back and finished Birdhouse. I think this helped, I was able to go at it fresh the second time and get a different sound than what was originally intended.The Circle – B minor, Peavey, disorted bass.Birdhouse – D Dorian, Peavey and Washburn, same distorted bass tone.DownloadDownload(Save Target As).

    I went for something short and sweet and I think it came out rushed and sketchy. I like parts of it a lot but it gets redundant after a while which shouldn’t be happening in a two and a half minute song. I was going for an Yngwie kind of thing but I think I got a little ahead of myself. I didn’t plan this one out like I should have, the song needs to be more rooted down than it is right now.

    I already have a better idea that will take the main idea behind this song and make it better. I think I can take the fast waltz shred thing and work it out into something more melodic (but still fast).Its in C# minor and though it may not sound like it, I didn’t use any tapping in this song. Everything is picking or legato. I really do like the part in the very middle with the legato lick with the wah cracked open giving it a vocal sound. Too bad that can’t take the song to the next level. After recording it I noticed I liked it a bit more than I did during the process though, so its not a loss and its not bad enough to be B-Listed.

    I don’t think.Also: I’m pretty sure I should look into getting a mastering program – some of these mixes are kind of quiet.Download(Save Target As). The cover songs category starts off with something a little different. This is the “Galop Infernal” by Jacques Offenbach, which I got stuck in my head earlier this week and decided to learn and then cover.

    I actually did two versions of this cover, the earlier one I scrapped and completely redid everything with a different sound. In the first version I was trying to get a huge drum line sound but I just could not keep it from sounding digital so I reverted back to my normal drums. In this song I went for a wall of sound effect to get a larger, more orchestral feel. The melodies are triple tracked, the rhythms are quadruple tracked, and there are three other miscellaneous tracks.

    In all, for most parts of the song there are usually between eight and nine guitars going at once along with the bass and two drums tracks.I’m pretty satisfied with the song, though I like the idea of this cover more than the final execution. I am fairly certain that I will revisit this song later, and re-record everything and give it a little more flow and dynamics.

    Its in A major with a brief section in F# minor, I used the Peavey as usual, but ended up using lots of different tones that I normally don’t use to fill out the rhythm tracks.Enjoy.Arrangement and recording Copyright Micky Sakora 2008.Original song, Galop Infernal by Jacques Offenbach.Download(Save Target As). Over the next couple of months I will be testing out this program. I tabbed out the exact exercises I will be using and will provide links to download it. Note that it is targeted at my deficiencies – namely picking turnarounds on different strings, sweep picking, and straight alternate picking (I economy pick too much in the wrong places). The practice routine will work well for anyone though, it is well rounded and likely useful to many guitarists with different skill levels.The key points are as follows. Begin the program at a metronome speed that is easy to you.

    Use ONE speed for the entire practice session. Practice the exercises EVERY day and increase the speed by one BPM on the metronome EVERY day. Again, begin at an easy speed. You want to use the first weeks to get used to the routine and memorize everything. When it starts picking up you won’t have to think “what am I supposed to do here?” you’ll be able to concentrate on your playing instead. Cover the entire neck with each exercise. Begin on the 1st and 2nd fret and work your way up to the 17th fret or higher.

    If you’re doing a scale, do it up and down with the 1st fret as the root, then move up to the 2nd and repeat until you’re at the neck joint. The exercises look short but if you do them across the neck it adds up, and it gets you comfortable throughout the registers.

    Begin passages with down strokes and upstrokes equally. Either allow enough time to play each passage twice (once beginning with a down stroke, once with an upstroke) or alternate after each new root fret. Again with a scale – play the scale with the 2nd fret root beginning with a down pick, move to the 3rd and begin with an up pick, then to the 4th and begin with a down pick. Alternate to the end. Using both picking equally on the same exercises will eliminate problems with inside picking (like Petrucci said he used to encounter) or with outside picking (like me). Keep practice time to an hour.

    That means focus 100% for one hour. Play your guitar throughout the day, jam and work on songs, but leave one hour for serious practice. And get everything important done in that hour. DON’T WASTE TIME. Warm up with easier exercises and progress to the hardest sections at the end. Warm ups should be useful but not strenuous – use them to get ready for the more difficult passages later on.The routine I have tabbed is organized easy-medium-hard-medium-hard. This isn’t totally necessary though I’m including it in the supplied tabs – but have a difficult song to practice at the end of the session to test all the skills you went over.

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    I have Paganini’s “5th Caprice” which goes into string skipping, alternate picking, arpeggios, sweeping and is generally ridiculous. This is a short section but it is not easy to play both fast AND clean. I am also practicing “Flight of the Bumblebee” but I didn’t include that in the tablature.

    You can find it at.I started at 80 BPM. I probably should have started at 73 or 75, but I’m anxious to see how it works. I will be updating the Method when I figure out more, and I will create a separate page for it as I get a better handle on the routine. Note: its available in Guitar Pro 5 and 4 format as well as pdf.DownloadDownloadDownload. Today I’m beginning a new practice routine that will hopefully get my chops up to speed as quickly and as efficiently as possible. It is inspired by the, which has a trainee starting with a very low weight on his lifts, upping the weight every single workout in very small increments.

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    The Super Sonic Shred Method does the same thing; I will run through a series of exercises at 80 BPM and will increase the speed by 1 BPM every day.I will limit the routine to one hour a day, focusing on scales, speed picking, sweeping, some pentatonics, chromatics and and a section of. I tried out some of the exercises at 79 BPM yesterday and while much of it was easy, I noticed that I’m really going to have to focus on learning and losing the thought behind these exercises these first few days to make any of this worthwhile.I’ll post tablature of the routine either today or tommorrow, after I finalize the exercises. After exporting and posting I immediately started playing the intro guitar part to this song. I figured out the other backing chords and sections pretty easily but I felt like it took forever to figure out the leads and melodies that went over them. I recorded and re-recorded a lot of material that I didn’t end up using in the final track. Surprisingly though, I got the solo over the piano down easily. After figuring out the first couple bars, I improvised the rest in one take.

    My thinking went something like, “go on it,” and I think it worked out. The bass line was similarly easy, it only took a little bit (comparatively) to figure out which part needed what.I’m not a huge fan of the mix. I spent a while on it – longer than most of the other songs – and I’m still not happy about it.

    It seems too muddy in some places and some of the dynamics are off. I did it over two days but I got impatient after a while, wanting to get the song posted by tonight.Just the Peavey and my bass. A cello VST through the song, and a short interlude with the MDA piano. The chords are weird in that they go between A minor and A harmonic minor every other bar, and the soloing goes in some weird directions consequently.Download(Save Target As).

    The Hunger Games trilogy is a young-adult adventure science fiction series written by Suzanne Collins. The trilogy consists of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.

    The first two books were each The New York Times best sellers, and the third book, Mockingjay, topped all US bestseller lists upon its release. By the time the movie The Hunger Games was released the publisher reported over 50 million Hunger Games trilogy books in print, including movie tie-in books. The series recently ranked second, bested only by Harry Potter, in NPR’s poll of the top 100 teen novels, which asked voters to choose their favorite Young Adult books. (Source: Wikipedia)The Hunger GamesThe Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem, established in North America after the destruction of the continent’s civilization by an unknown apocalyptic event.

    The nation consists of the wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts united under the Capitol’s hegemony. District 12, where the book begins, is located in the coal-rich region that was formerly known as Appalachia.As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol, in which a 13th district was destroyed, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by an annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games, an event in which the participants (or “tributes”) must fight to the death in an outdoor arena controlled by the Capitol, until only one individual remains.

    The story is narrated by 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the 74th annual Hunger Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose. The male tribute chosen from District 12 is Peeta Mellark, a former schoolmate of Katniss who once gave her bread from his family’s bakery when her family was starving.Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol, where their drunken mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, victor of the 50th Hunger Games, instructs them to watch and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the other tributes. They are then publicly displayed to the Capitol audience in an interview with television host Caesar Flickerman. During this time, Peeta reveals on-air his longtime unrequited love for Katniss. Katniss believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support for him in the Games, which can be crucial for survival, as the wealthy audience members are encouraged to send gifts such as food, medicine, and tools to favored tributes during the Games.While nearly half the tributes are killed in the first day of the Games, Katniss relies on her well-practiced hunting and survival skills to remain unharmed and concealed from the other tributes.

    A few days into the games, Katniss develops an alliance with Rue, a 12-year-old girl from the agricultural District 11 who reminds Katniss of her own sister. However, the alliance is brought to an abrupt end when Rue is killed by another tribute. Katniss sings to her (at Rue’s request) and spreads flowers over her body as a sign of respect for Rue and disgust towards the Capitol.Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta’s image in the minds of the audience as “star-crossed lovers”, a rule change is announced midway through the Games, allowing two tributes from the same district to win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss begins searching for Peeta.

    She eventually finds him, wounded and in hiding. As she nurses him back to health, she acts the part of a young girl falling in love to gain more favor with the audience and, consequently, gifts from her sponsors. When the couple remain as the last two surviving tributes, the Gamemakers reverse the rule change in an attempt to force them into a dramatic finale, where one must kill the other to win. Katniss, knowing that the Gamemakers would rather have two victors than none, retrieves highly poisonous berries known as “nightlock” from her pouch and offers some to Peeta. Realizing that Katniss and Peeta intend to commit suicide, the Gamemakers announce that both will be the victors of the 74th Hunger Games.Although she survives the ordeal in the arena and is treated to a hero’s welcome in the Capitol, Katniss is warned by Haymitch that she has now become a political target after defying her society’s authoritarian leaders so publicly. Afterwards, Peeta is heartbroken when he learns that Katniss’s actions in the arena were part of a calculated ploy to earn sympathy from the audience.

    However, Katniss is unsure of her own feelings and realizes that she is dreading the moment when she and Peeta will go their separate ways. (Source: Wikipedia)Download Ebook:Catching FireAfter winning the 74th Hunger Games in the previous novel, Katniss and Peeta return home to District 12, the poorest sector in the country of Panem. Both of them receive considerable wealth and are living in the affluent Victor’s Village of the district; however, they have rarely spoken since winning the Games, as Peeta realized that Katniss’s proclaimed love towards him was exaggerated at their mentor, Haymitch Abernathy’s, request in order to receive life-saving gifts from sponsors. Katniss struggles to understand her feelings about Peeta and her best friend, Gale, who kissed Katniss upon her return to District 12.

    As part of their duties as victors of the Hunger Games, they are preparing to embark on a “Victory Tour” to all districts within Panem. The day Katniss is due to leave, the Capitol’s President Snow arrives at her home and sternly warns her that she must convince Panem’s citizens that she and Peeta are truly in love; their actions in the Games have sparked unrest across the districts and many believe their attempted suicide was actually a defiant act against the Capitol rather than a sacrifice for love. Snow indirectly threatens both Gale’s and Katniss’ families.The Victory Tour’s first stop is District 11, home of Rue, Katniss’ former friend and ally in the 74th Hunger Games. During the ceremony, Katniss and Peeta deliver quick speeches to the people District 11, thanking them for their tributes. Peeta offers to donate a portion of both his and Katniss’s Victory winnings to the family of Rue, and also to that of Thresh, the other fallen District 11 tribute. When the speeches conclude, an old man whistles the tune that Rue used in the Hunger Games arena to signal Katniss she was safe. The song prompts everyone to salute Katniss with the same gesture she used to bid farewell to Rue.

    However, the old man is shot dead, and the Capitol refuses to let the pair make any more personal speeches during the tour. Katniss and Peeta then travel to all twelve districts and the Capitol. Katniss urges Peeta to emphasise their supposed love and, during a televised interview, Peeta proposes to Katniss. The Capitol responds by planning an elaborate wedding ceremony for the two.

    Despite this, Katniss learns that their attempts to subdue rebellion in the districts and convincing Snow they are in love have failed. Back in District 12, Katniss accidentally sees a secret TV report showing a violent uprising in District 8, where many citizens are killed by Peacekeepers, Panem’s security force. After this event, District’s 12’s security is massively tightened, and the current Peacekeepers are replaced with stricter ones.

    Gale is whipped by the new Head Peacekeeper for hunting, and the fence surrounding District 12 is now constantly electrified, effectively barring Katniss from escape or hunting. Katniss had made it into the woods where she encountered two runaways from District 8.

    She offered them food, and they have a theory that District 13 was not wiped out by the Capitol and that its residents have gone underground. She is able to get over the electrified fence and back into the district, but is slightly injured.Later, Cinna and Katniss’s prep team arrive to help Katniss prepare for her bridal shoot. The stylists tell her about supply shortages across the Capitol, leading Katniss to suspect that rebellions and uprisings are spreading across Panem. President Snow announces that, for the 75th Hunger Games, as part of the “Quarter Quell”, a special edition of the Games every quarter-century, tributes will be reaped from a pool of all living Victors of past Hunger Games. Desperate to prepare, Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch begin training and studying the winning tactics of past victors. Being the only living female victor from District 12, Katniss is chosen for the Quarter Quell by default.

    When Haymitch is chosen as male tribute, Peeta volunteers in his place to protect Katniss.After arriving at the Capitol, Katniss and Peeta look for potential allies among the other tributes. Katniss meets Finnick Odair, a 24-year-old man who successfully survived the Games at age 14, and Mags, Finnick’s 80-year-old mentor, both from District 4. She also meets Beetee and Wiress, older tributes from District 3 who are said to be “exceptionally smart” and adept at working with electronics.

    Beetee and Wiress tell Katniss that the Capitol leaves the control panels for their force fields in plain sight, making them vulnerable. During the training display for the Gamemakers, Peeta and Katniss show their defiance towards the Capitol and at being forced to return to the Games; Peeta paints a picture of Rue’s death and Katniss hangs a training dummy, labeling it, “Seneca Crane,” the previous Gamemaker who was executed after declaring both Katniss and Peeta Hunger Game victors. During the pre-game interviews, Katniss wears a bridal gown designed by Cinna that harmlessly burns away to reveal a mockingjay costume, the symbol of the rebel cause; during Peeta’s interview, he manipulates the audience by revealing that he and Katniss are “married” and that Katniss is “pregnant,” provoking outrage from the bloodthirsty audience regarding their plight. Seconds before the Games are about to begin, Katniss watches helplessly as several Peacekeepers arrive and beat Cinna, then drag him away.The new Games arena is a beach and jungle terrain with the Cornucopia located on a small island in the center of a miniature sea.

    The arena resembles an analog clock with one lethal event occurring every hour on a twelve hour cycle. When the Games start, Katniss and Peeta form an impromptu alliance with Finnick and Mags. They search for the arena’s perimeter, but Peeta runs into the force field at the edge, stopping his heart. Finnick revives him using CPR, though Peeta is weakened from the incident. At midnight, lightning strikes a nearby tree, and the next hour the Gamemakers release a poisonous fog in the group’s location.

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    The toxic fog causes nerve failure and muscle spasms which inhibits their running while Katniss tries to carry Mags and Finnick carries Peeta. Mags sacrifices herself when Katniss can no longer carry her, allowing the other three to escape. After Mags’s death, the group is attacked by mutated monkeys, but all three survive, thanks to the female tribute from District 6 sacrificing herself to save Peeta. Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick join forces with Johanna Mason, a sarcastic and often cruel victor from District 7, an injured Beetee, and Wiress, who is in shock and repeatedly mumbles “tick tock.” From Wiress’s words, Katniss realizes that the arena is arranged like a clock, with the Gamemakers’ disasters occurring on a timed chart, signaled by the lightning at 12 o’clock.While gathered at the central Cornucopia, the Careers attack the group, killing Wiress, and a battle ensues until the Gamemakers cut it short by rapidly shifting the terrain and disorienting the Tributes.

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    Beetee devises a plan to harness the arena’s lightning to supposedly electrocute the rest of the Career tributes when they venture near the water. At night, the group splits to prepare for the plan, but is attacked separately by the remaining tributes.

    Katniss is knocked out and has her tracker removed by Johanna. Johanna then leads the two remaining careers away from Katniss. An injured Katniss comes across Beetee, holding a knife tied to the wire and appearing to have planned to direct the knife into the force field.

    Katniss realizes the plan all along was to destroy the forcefield, and she directs the lightning at the force field’s control panel with an arrow tied to the wire, destroying the force field and temporarily paralyzing her. When she awakens, Katniss discovers she is being transported to District 13: a place widely believed to no longer exist. She is joined by Finnick, Beetee, and Haymitch, but learns that the Capitol has captured Peeta and Johanna.

    Katniss is told that there had been a plan among most of the tributes, Haymitch, and Head Gamemaker Plutarch, who secretly opposes the Capitol, to break her and Peeta out of the arena. Katniss’s image has become the symbol of the rebellion, which has spread to almost every district during the Games, and all the victors in the alliance were determined to sacrifice themselves to keep Katniss alive. Finally, Gale informs Katniss that, although he escaped with her family, District 12 has been bombed and destroyed, filling Gale with a burning hate to destroy the Capitol as well. (Source: Wikipedia)Download Ebook:MockingjayAfter her rescue by the rebels of District 13, Katniss is convinced to become “the Mockingjay”: a symbol of the rebellion against the ruling Capitol.

    As part of a deal, she demands that the leader of District 13, President Coin, grant immunity to all of the Hunger Games victors, including Peeta, and that Katniss receives the right to kill President Snow, the leader of Panem, herself. Katniss watches Peeta on television, and is unable to cope with her guilt. Finally, District 13 leaders decide to rescue Peeta, realizing that Katniss’ guilt is impeding her role as “the Mockingjay.” After the rescue, it is discovered that Peeta has been brainwashed into believing Katniss is the enemy, and he attempts to strangle her during their reunion.Peeta gradually improves after much treatment and therapy, including cake decorating. His childhood friend, Delly Cartwright, helps with his recovery by retelling happy events in District 12.

    Soon, Peeta recovers fully enough to train. The rebels and Katniss eventually set off on a mission to the Capitol, and President Coin later sends Peeta with them in replacement of another soldier, although his many scarred memories fuel his rage.The rebels, including Katniss, take control of the districts and begin an assault on the Capitol. However, an assault on a “safe” Capitol neighborhood goes wrong, and Katniss and her team flee further into the Capitol with the intent of finding and killing President Snow. Many members of Katniss’ team are killed through intense urban warfare, including Hunger Games victor Finnick Odair. Muttation lizards also kill her teammates. Eventually, Katniss presses on alone towards Snow’s mansion, which has supposedly been opened to shelter Capitol children (but is actually intended to provide human shields for Snow). However, as she reaches the mansion, bombs placed in supply packages kill many children and a rebel medical team which includes Katniss’ sister, Prim.After the rebels conquer the Capitol and place President Snow on house arrest, he informs Katniss that the final assault that killed Prim was ordered by President Coin.

    Katniss realizes that if this is true, the bombing may have been the result of a plan originally developed by Gale Hawthorne; however, Gale denies his involvement. Katniss remembers a conversation with Snow, following the 74th Annual Hunger Games, in which they agreed not to lie to each other. Her suspicions plaguing her, Katniss banishes Gale from her life. When she goes to execute Snow, Katniss realizes he was telling the truth and kills Coin instead. A riot ensues and Snow is found dead, having possibly choked on his own blood (laughing) or been trampled in the crowd.

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    Katniss then tries to commit suicide by swallowing a suicide pill sewn onto her suit before the campaign to conquer the districts began (in case the Capitol captured her during one of her missions), but Peeta stops her. Katniss is acquitted due to her apparent insanity and returns to her home in District 12, along with others who are attempting to rebuild it. Peeta returns months later, having largely recovered from his brainwashing. Finally, Katniss surmises that falling in love with Peeta was inevitable, as he had always represented to her the promise of a better future, rather than the destruction she now associates with Gale. She says that she did not need Gale’s fire, as she already had it herself; she needed Peeta, who symbolized the hope she needed to survive.

    Together with Haymitch they create a book filled with the stories of previous tributes and others who died in the war to preserve their memory.In the epilogue, Katniss speaks as an adult, twenty years later. She and Peeta are married and have two children.

    The Hunger Games are over, but she dreads the day her children learn about their parents’ involvement in both the Games and the war. When she feels distressed, Katniss plays a comforting but repetitive “game,” reminding herself of every good thing that she has ever seen someone do. The series ends with Katniss claiming that “there are much worse games to play.” (Source: Wikipedia)Download Ebook:HAPPY HUNGER GAMES! AND MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR!

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